Monday, February 21, 2022

Crystal Yoni Eggs

Yoni Egg Benefits - Increase Natural Lubrication At Any Age

Let’s talk about yoni eggs! Read on to get to know about Yoni Eggs, how they work their magic and what to keep in mind before getting a Yoni Egg!

What Are The Best Yoni Egg Stones?

Yoni Eggs are carved from numerous types of attractive and unique semi precious stones.

The majority are safe to wear inside, however please be aware that not every type of crystal is safe to be put in your yoni, particularly for extended periods of time. Our Love Stone brand carries the below GIA certified and body safe Yoni Egg crystals:

Jade Yoni Eggs: Nephrite Jade Yoni Eggs, Black Jade Yoni Eggs, Blue Jade Yoni Eggs, Siberian Jade Yoni Eggs, White Jade Yoni Eggs, Rainbow Jade Egg, Lilac Jade Egg Black Obsidian Yoni Eggs Rose Quartz Yoni Eggs

According to Taoist teachings, there are three kinds of stones used for Yoni Egg exercise. Women would first practice with healing Jade, then introduce Black Obsidian to work with and integrate her ‘shadow,’ and after that when she feels ready, she would work with Rose Quartz which has properties that are heart opening. Those stones have actually been practiced with for for millennia and their safety and healing benefits are well established.

Are you interested in buying a Yoni Egg? Take advantage of the numerous crystal yoni eggs and purchase one today!
